Witch name do you like the best?

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Coffee shop music jam

As you all know it's the music jam and I thought it would be cool if I showed you some pictures and cool things about: The coffee shop!!!

Heres a picture of what it looks like:
So how do you like it?

Now for some secrets and things.
See that red thing that says applause click on that and that will make a clapping sound.

Club Penguin July 2011 Pay Checks

Club Penguin has sent paychecks to every tour guide and EPF agent! These are paychecks that come out every first day of the month. Since it’s July the 1st, paychecks are in your mailbox! The EPF paycheck gives you 350 coins, and the Tour Guide paycheck gives you 250 coins. In total, you earn 600 coins! 
Awesome! How are you gonna spend your 600 coins? Leave a comment to let us know.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Hi everyone.

Hi everyone sorry I have'nt been on I went to Kilve Court for three days so I could'nt go on to update my blog sorry . But its not as fun as updating my blog, well it is. If you have any questions or comments be sure to ask. Thx!!!

Club penguin times

Hello everyone a new issue of the club penguin times is come.Help Aunt Artic by sending in a joke or riddle.

New catalog sneak peak

The Club Penguin adventure themed party is soon! Yay! I also can't wait till rockhopper comes.

Club Penguin will be doing some updates to their systems over the next couple of weeks.

Yay pay day

It's the first of July and it's payday.

Now you've got all em, coins go spend them!!! Oh yeah when the new catalog comes out!!! He he he.

See you later!!!!!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The music jam is in full swing

As the title suggests the music jam is in full swing heres a picture of the ski village.
So head down there!!!!!